marisquería Barcelona


Benefits of fish

beneficios pescado

There are many studies that speak of the benefits of fish.

At Chao Pescao we are proud that, in addition to making you enjoy our dishes, we can help your well-being with the infinite benefits of fish.

Here we detail some of them. Learn a little more about them and become even more Fishadict!

Prevents cardiovascular and nervous system diseases

Fish is a very important source of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (AGP), EPA and DHA, which are scientifically associated with the prevention of cardiovascular and nervous system diseases. The deficit in the consumption of omega 3 is associated with more than one and a half million deaths per year due to cardiovascular diseases globally.

Contributes to an adequate growth of minors and especially of cognitive and visual functions

It is a source of high-quality protein par excellence and has a very balanced nutritional profile in terms of fats and other nutrients. Fish specially supplements a wide range of essential micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. We detail some of them of vital importance:

  • vitamins D,
  • B6,
  • B12,
  • niacin,
  • phosphorus
  • and selenium
which are the main responsible for a healthy and balanced diet.

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